I say 'New York' and what do you think of?
I feel confident enough to predict its one of the following..
The Big Apple, Yellow taxi, Empire Estate, Macy's, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Time Square.. no?
Lucky Charms perhaps.. ?
It's famously known as 'The City that never sleeps,' and I now know why. After having the fantastic opportunity of jetting out there last December, I was able to see the hectic lifestyle that comes with being a New Yorker, and the magic that happens around such a festive time!
However, this IS me we are talking about and as previous posts demonstrate, I don't always make things easy for myself. Next time I'm shopping in Duty Free and 'last boarding call for New York gate 17' is announced, I refuse to have security called on me.. although I have always wanted to run through an airport film-style :)
So as you can guess, I made the plane and had the pleasure of flying with Virgin. In fairness, as flights go, this one was pretty fantastic - compact television centers, spacious seating and choc ices all make for a good flight. Especially when you miss say choc ice for a loo break, ring your emergency bell and get brought not one, but TWO!
Back to the Big Apple.
In respect, America has never been top on my list of 'places to visit.' I never wanted to get dragged into the world of the L.A skinny, or the opposite extreme, being the addict to supersize MacDonalds. It's clear now these are unfair stereotypes and I can safely say my views have dramatically changed. Not only did I love its fast pace, but the adrenaline endured when racing from block to block having absolutely no idea which avenue you need to reach for particular destinations. I want to live there - with pancakes at 3am being the norm and a celebrity around almost every corner.. what's not to like!?
Although four days isn't exactly a huge amount of time to explore such a HUGE place, we managed to cram a lot of things into our adventure.. The Empire Estate, SATC tour, Yankees stadium tour, Time Square, Rockefeller Center, Central Park, FIT exhibition, Madison Square Gardens, not forgetting the emotional visit to Ground Zero.
I'd like to think this adventure has given me more knowledge, if only a little, into the world out there I am yet to explore. I hope to go traveling after my degree with NY definitely now making the top of the list! Hey, I may even wear my 'I <3 NY' jumper and see how many more policeman I can get to give me directions.